Category Archives: Finance

Episode 71 – Shedding Light on the Billing Process – With Tom Huddleston

Tom Huddleston is the Chief Information Officer and managing director of Redi2 Technologies, the leading provider of hosted fee billing and revenue management solutions for asset and wealth managers.  

Doug and Tom sat down at the FSI OneVoice Summit and talked about Redi2 and billing – not the most glamorous of topics, but one of the most practical and important to everyone in the industry. They also discuss:

  • How Redi2 designed its original offering, and how it has evolved to meet needs today
  • The basics of billing
  • What sleeves work & how they work within the Redi2 system
  • What separates Redi2 from their competitors
  • What kind of transparency should advisors expect from their providers?

Resources:  Redi2 Technologies | Flyer Financial Technology

Episode 70 – Breaking Barriers, Building Futures – With Forest Harper

Forest Harper is the President & CEO of INROADS,  a non-profit organization focused on offering talented, underrepresented youth a pathway from high school to college and throughout their career that breaks through the glass ceiling and closes the opportunity and wealth gaps. INROADS career development pathway extends a support system that can last a lifetime.  

Doug and Forest sat down at the FSI OneVoice Summit and talked about INROADS – its purpose and its journey from its start in 1970 to now. They also discuss:

  • Forest’s journey to INROADS
  • Why INROADS chooses to work with the Financial Services Institute (FSI), and the financial services industry in general
  • How they work to spark student’s interest in financial services and other industries
  • How corporate America can do better when it comes to diversity
  • How we can help close the racial/wealth gap
  • How to get involved with INROADS

Resources:  INROADS | Flyer Financial Technology


Episode 69 – Manage Portfolios at Scale With the Right Technology – With Brian Bleasdell

Brian Bleasdell is the Chief Product Officer at Flyer Financial Technologies.  Flyer Financial Technologies develops advanced technology for managing complex, multi–asset, institutional securities trading using highly scalable software and network technologies.


Doug and Brian sat down at the FSI OneVoice Summit and talked about what Flyer Financial Technologies actually does that makes them unique in the industry. They also discuss:

  • Why they changed the name from FX Flyer 
  • The end-to-end process the platform addresses
  • The Flyer Financial Technologies features that enable advisors to scale up and/or implement unique workflows
  • Real-life examples of how advisors use Flyer Financial Technologies
  • What is coming next for Flyer Financial Technologies and what is driving that roadmap

Resources:   Flyer Financial Technology

Episode 68 – Focus to Build a Future-Ready Practice – With Anand Sekhar

Anand Sekhar is the vice president of practice management & consulting for the Fidelity Institutional® group inside Fidelity Investments. Fidelity Institutional is focused on helping advisors build successful, future-ready businesses.

Doug and Anand sat down at the FSI OneVoice Summit and talked about trends Anand is seeing for financial advisors in the industry today. They also discuss:

  • What tasks are sucking away advisors’ time? And what can advisors do to help evaluate & improve how they spend their time?
  • How the advisor experience has changed – and hasn’t changed – over the past few years
  • Why client segmentation continues to matter to advisors
  • Things advisors should keep in mind in planning for the transfer of wealth to the next generation of investors

Resources:   Fidelity Institutional | Flyer Financial Technology


Episode 67 – Should Advisors Buy or Build Their Software – With John O’Connell

John O’Connell is the founder & Chief Executive Officer of The Oasis Group, a consulting firm that helps financial services and financial technology firms to create and focus on their unique value proposition to attract clients and generate higher revenue.

Doug and John sat down at the MarketCounsel Summit to talk about the Oasis Group, what they do and who they do it for. They also discuss

  • Things to be aware of when deciding whether to buy or build software
  • What advisors should keep in mind about cybersecurity
  • When you should consider building proprietary software
  • What is coming for The Oasis Group

Resources: The Oasis Group | FP Transitions


Episode 66 – Investigating a New Clearing House? Here are 7 Questions You Need to Get Answered– With Michael Scaplen

Michael Scaplen, Axos Clearing’s SVP of Sales and Relationship Management, is back. This time to outline questions you should get answered when considering changing clearing houses.

This episode of Power Your Advice is a rapid-fire Q&A between Doug and Michael, in which Michael provides insider insight on each of the following:

  • What does a clearing house stand for?
  • How long have they been in the business? Do they have a vision and the wherewithal to sustain changes in the market?
  • Can they handle the business I’m doing today? As well as or better than my current clearing house
  • Do they have a particular expertise or something they specialize in?
  • Who are their current clients
  • What’s the conversion process? Do they have a team to support my move?
  • What’s the future? What’s the vision?

Resources:  Axos Clearing, LLC

Episode 65 – Helping Advisors Find a Better Match – With Ryan Shanks

Ryan Shanks is the founder & chief executive officer at FA Match, the first dedicated career platform to help financial advisors find the best home for their book of business.

Doug and Ryan sat down at the MarketCounsel Summit and talked about FA Match’s impressive growth over the past few years. They also talk about

  • What is driving more than 40,000 advisors to change firms this year
  • How recruiting has evolved from in-person to online interaction and back again
  • Highlights from Ryan’s podcast “The BS Recruiters Won’t Tell You
  • How FA Match helps with succession planning as advisors (and their clients) age
  • What Ryan is excited for in 2022

Resources:   FA Match | FP Transitions


Episode 64 – Leading With Learning – With Matt Brown

Matt Brown is the founder, chairman & chief executive officer at CAIS, the leading alternative investment platform for financial advisors who seek improved access to and education about alternative investment funds and products. 

Doug and Matt sat down at the MarketCounsel Summit and talked about how CAIS has evolved over the years and how they learned and grew through the pandemic. They also talk about

  • The tailwinds driving the boom for alternative investments
  • How can advisors be smart about exploring alternatives
  • How are alternative companies taking advantage of their spotlight
  • What can we as an industry do to better educate investors.
  • What Matt is excited for in 2022

Resources:   CAIS | FP Transitions

Episode 63 – Enabling Advisor Scalability Through Technology – With Rusty Sommer

Rusty Sommer is the managing director of strategic relationships at Flyer Financial Technologies, which develops advanced technology for managing complex, multi–asset, institutional securities trading using highly scalable software and network technologies.

Doug and Rusty caught up at the MarketCounsel Summit and talked about Flyer Financial Technologies and how they help advisors deliver personalized investment portfolios at scale. They also discuss

  • What trends Rusty is following in 2022
  • How the role of advisors evolved over the last five years
  • How Flyer Financial Technologies has differentiated itself in a crowded market
  • Three things for advisors to consider when upgrading their tech stack
  • How can the industry do a better job of educating investors?

Resources: Flyer Financial Technologies | FP Transitions

Episode 62 – Helping Advisors Transform Their Practices – With Brad Bueermann

Brad Bueermann is the chief executive officer of FP Transitions, a specialized business consulting firm dedicated to wealth managers and independent financial advisors. With a full-service, concierge approach to supporting advisors during key points in their life cycle, they offer comprehensive, coordinated, and customized solutions to achieve long-term, sustainable business growth. 

Doug and Brad caught up at the MarketCounsel Summit and talked about FP Transitions and how they have continued to grow and stay connected to each other and their clients over the past couple of years. They also discuss

  • Why advisors get “itchy” to make a change
  • How growth looks different for every advisor
  • What questions should advisors be able to answer about objectives in making change
  • What is really challenging advisors right now
  • Advisors are not retiring – how are they going to blend with the next generation of advisors entering our industry
  • What Brad is most excited about in 2022

Resources: FP Transitions